Rasmussen 2/8/06 (1/10/05)
George Allen (R) - 48% (57%)
Harris Miller (D) - 35% (27%)
George Allen (R) - 49%
James Webb (D) - 37%
A twenty point drop in the margin in a month, very impressive.
As for favorability:
Senator Allen's favorable numbers have also declined since January. Sixty-one percent (61%) now view him favorably; in January, 70% viewed him favorably.Only about a third of voters view either Miller or Webb favorably. Another third or so "not sure" of either man, meaning that one of the key aspects of this election will be who defines how the challengers are viewed by most voters.
It seems as though already ~ a third of VA voters have an unfavorable opinion of both Webb and Miller. That may be a problem. On the other hand, Allen's favorability is rapidly declining.
It looks like both Webb and Miller have a decent shot at taking out Allen.